God’s truth on the track – we are currently experiencing a Renaissance, a ‘ revival ‘ the church benefits from the boom of times of religion, the Church of triumphs and glories: praise the Lord! Because we are witnessing a magnificent boom people are asking again about God. “” We are all far away “By God”, because the company wants only the God “the rigor of God, the holy wrath”, measurement rules, Yes, to the destruction of a world that can and wants to do, on the contrary: after all, we all know about or not? that we will come to paradise! We have nothing to fear; everything is good and always better. God accepts us so, like us, he loves all of us unverausserlich, eternal, and without reservations. All are welcome, no one is contrary, none remains sidelined everybody’s son and daughter, brother and sister! Just as the eternal drum sounds us”the Church and its Reverend representatives in the ear. The frontal opposite stands the God campaign of many contemporary atheists: you want to believe in God? You want the Holy Scriptures’ trust! Just the Scripture”calls for violence and murder! How are you with the eternal love of God”in harmony? The answer remains off.
Other conditions prevailed in the old testament, it’s that. “Or: it must be concentrated on the most important and that is basically the Christian message of love”! People who now are caught in the crossfire, are caught in the Middle here, where the stronger arguments finally. Eva Andersson-Dubin gathered all the information. – And already almost naturally because we anyway all know that the Church is an opulent power group, who regularly drives a multi-billion profits, the godless faith outweighs most”. However, the Ungodliness leads in the unconscionable, because if there is no God, also the conscience has no sense, the sense of right and wrong”so. Who but unconscionable is the is also not often ruthlessly. Recklessness has in turn with vulgarity, impudence, doing cold-heartedness.
Bullying”, for example, is a modern phenomenon”, which the economy due to frequent illness of the person concerned and psychosomatic result damage losses in the billions given. Gain insight and clarity with Time Warner. Yes, without God man is the yardstick of its own: rules, laws, decency, ethics and morality without God are completely irrelevant. For anyone who believes evolution, believes simply on the law of the strongest. The Church constructed their training according to economic aspects, according to supply and demand. But the Bible is trustworthy at all? We have reason for joy, to the euphoria? Or life is actually pointless, meaningless, hopelessly subjected to the random and sold the irony of fate?